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© Macha Ovtchinnikova,My Russian 90's: Chroniques d’une décennie., 2022

dv_vd : My Russian 90’s: Chroniques d’une décennie


February 15, 2024
Dazibao Gallery 5455, avenue de Gaspé, espace 109 Montréal (Québec) Canada H2T 3B3


Discover My Russian 90’s: Chronicles of a Decade, a personal and moving documentary by Macha Ovtchinnikova presented in collaboration with Dazibao and Vidéographe as part of the dv_vd series. The film follows the director and her mother on a trip to Russia in 2003, tracing the conditions that precipitated their emigration. Starting out as a private exploration, it ultimately reveals the reality of Moscow women after the 1991 putsch, and offers a feminist perspective on this politically tumultuous period.

Rémy Besson will deliver a presentation preceding the screening of the film.


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“I return with my mother in Russia to reminisce together about the decade following the 1991 Moscow putsch. Painful memories for her and happy for me.”

— Macha Ovtchinnikova



Macha Ovtchinnikova

Macha Ovtchinnikova is a French filmmaker and researcher of Russian origin. With a PhD in cinematic studies, she writes about cinema and contemporary art and teaches the practice and aesthetics of cinema and video art at university level. Her works include Les Variations (2014), a feature-length fiction film, Défaite et victoire du corps (2018), a documentary, and Stigmates de la terre [The scar of the earth] (2020). Produced by Les Docs du Nord, My Russian 90’s: Chroniques d’une décennie [Chronicles of a decade] is her most recent film. She is currently working on her next documentary work, Chroniques d’une décennie [Chronicles of a decade], produced by Les Docs du Nord.


Rémy Besson

A lecturer at Université de Montréal and editorial director of the Encyclopedia of Film Techniques and Technologies (Laboratoire CinéMédias), Rémy Besson completed a doctorate in history at EHESS (Paris), focusing on the narration of Claude Lanzmann’s film Shoah. Specializing in the study of the relationship between the past, the humanities and documentary cinema in the digital age, he has for many years run the Cinémadoc research notebook. Cinemadoc.hypotheses.org


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© Macha Ovtchinnikova,My Russian 90's: Chroniques d’une décennie., 2022

dv_vd : My Russian 90’s: Chroniques d’une décennie


February 15, 2024
Dazibao Gallery 5455, avenue de Gaspé, espace 109 Montréal (Québec) Canada H2T 3B3


Discover My Russian 90’s: Chronicles of a Decade, a personal and moving documentary by Macha Ovtchinnikova presented in collaboration with Dazibao and Vidéographe as part of the dv_vd series. The film follows the director and her mother on a trip to Russia in 2003, tracing the conditions that precipitated their emigration. Starting out as a private exploration, it ultimately reveals the reality of Moscow women after the 1991 putsch, and offers a feminist perspective on this politically tumultuous period.

Rémy Besson will deliver a presentation preceding the screening of the film.


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“I return with my mother in Russia to reminisce together about the decade following the 1991 Moscow putsch. Painful memories for her and happy for me.”

— Macha Ovtchinnikova



Macha Ovtchinnikova

Macha Ovtchinnikova is a French filmmaker and researcher of Russian origin. With a PhD in cinematic studies, she writes about cinema and contemporary art and teaches the practice and aesthetics of cinema and video art at university level. Her works include Les Variations (2014), a feature-length fiction film, Défaite et victoire du corps (2018), a documentary, and Stigmates de la terre [The scar of the earth] (2020). Produced by Les Docs du Nord, My Russian 90’s: Chroniques d’une décennie [Chronicles of a decade] is her most recent film. She is currently working on her next documentary work, Chroniques d’une décennie [Chronicles of a decade], produced by Les Docs du Nord.


Rémy Besson

A lecturer at Université de Montréal and editorial director of the Encyclopedia of Film Techniques and Technologies (Laboratoire CinéMédias), Rémy Besson completed a doctorate in history at EHESS (Paris), focusing on the narration of Claude Lanzmann’s film Shoah. Specializing in the study of the relationship between the past, the humanities and documentary cinema in the digital age, he has for many years run the Cinémadoc research notebook. Cinemadoc.hypotheses.org


Logo Dazibao

© Macha Ovtchinnikova,My Russian 90's: Chroniques d’une décennie., 2022

dv_vd : My Russian 90’s: Chroniques d’une décennie


February 15, 2024
Dazibao Gallery 5455, avenue de Gaspé, espace 109 Montréal (Québec) Canada H2T 3B3


Discover My Russian 90’s: Chronicles of a Decade, a personal and moving documentary by Macha Ovtchinnikova presented in collaboration with Dazibao and Vidéographe as part of the dv_vd series. The film follows the director and her mother on a trip to Russia in 2003, tracing the conditions that precipitated their emigration. Starting out as a private exploration, it ultimately reveals the reality of Moscow women after the 1991 putsch, and offers a feminist perspective on this politically tumultuous period.

Rémy Besson will deliver a presentation preceding the screening of the film.


► Facebook event page [ + ]


“I return with my mother in Russia to reminisce together about the decade following the 1991 Moscow putsch. Painful memories for her and happy for me.”

— Macha Ovtchinnikova



Macha Ovtchinnikova

Macha Ovtchinnikova is a French filmmaker and researcher of Russian origin. With a PhD in cinematic studies, she writes about cinema and contemporary art and teaches the practice and aesthetics of cinema and video art at university level. Her works include Les Variations (2014), a feature-length fiction film, Défaite et victoire du corps (2018), a documentary, and Stigmates de la terre [The scar of the earth] (2020). Produced by Les Docs du Nord, My Russian 90’s: Chroniques d’une décennie [Chronicles of a decade] is her most recent film. She is currently working on her next documentary work, Chroniques d’une décennie [Chronicles of a decade], produced by Les Docs du Nord.


Rémy Besson

A lecturer at Université de Montréal and editorial director of the Encyclopedia of Film Techniques and Technologies (Laboratoire CinéMédias), Rémy Besson completed a doctorate in history at EHESS (Paris), focusing on the narration of Claude Lanzmann’s film Shoah. Specializing in the study of the relationship between the past, the humanities and documentary cinema in the digital age, he has for many years run the Cinémadoc research notebook. Cinemadoc.hypotheses.org


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