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DVDs and Publications

Vidéographe sells books, DVD box sets and on-demand Blu-ray and DVD. We also produce on demand DVDs or Blu-ray of most works in our catalog for $ 15 (Basic DVD without menu, extra or booklet).

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Ouvrage / Work

Ouvrage / Work


Price : 49$ + tax

Artist : Nathalie Bujold
Texts of : Nathalie Bachand, Sylvain Campeau, Édouard Monnet, Sonia Pelletier, Dominique Sirois-Rouleau
Graphic Design : bureau60a, Vidéographe
Edited by : Sonia Pelletier

Publishing: Vidéographe
Parution : May 30 2024

ISBN : 978-2-922302- 10-3 (printed), 200 p., 49.00$
ISBN : 978-2-922302-11-0 (digital – PDF)


This monograph, the result of a long period of study delving into Nathalie Bujold’s body of work over more than thirty years, brings together her most emblematic works. The authors whose essays appear here have closely followed her explorations or consider her artistic approach in a spirit of discovery and adventure. Their gaze, both probing and playful, is reflected in their relevant, enthusiastic writings about Bujold’s multidisciplinary and multimedia practice, now focused particularly on video production. The questions they raise cut across disciplines, prompting us to re-examine certain specific aspects of the foundations of her oeuvre. In turn, Dominique Sirois-Rouleau, Nathalie Bachand, Sylvain Campeau, and Édouard Monnet write about works with content related to the concepts of the object, the motif, the image, time, and movement intrinsic to the making of Bujold’s “books.” Taking us through time and including the artist’s incorporation of new technological tools, this nonlinear, often light-hearted overview encourages us to browse and constantly piques our curiosity about the forms of a vision constantly renewed by movement and the fragmentation of the object. (excerpt of the preface of Sonia Pelletier)